Elizabethtown Flying Service, Inc.

Titan Aviation Fuels


Full Service
Avgas 100LL $6.50/gal*
Jet A $6.85/gal*
With anti-icing additive $6.95/gal*
Self Serve
Self Serve 100LL $6.00/gal*
Self Serve Jet A** $6.45/gal*


Aeroshell 80, 100, W80, W100
Aeroshell W80+, W100+
Aeroshell 15W50 Semi-Synthetic
Phillips X/C 20W50, Phillips X/C 25W60
2380 Turbine, Jet Oil II  

We proudly carry Titan brand aviation fuels, delivered by our friendly, well-trained line staff. We also offer Aero-Shell and Phillips oils and lubricants for all types of recip and turbine engines.  Self Serve fuel is also available at the fuel farm 24 hours a day.

Safety and quality are top priorities, and our fuel service is backed by stringent quality control. Our equipment and fuels are inspected and tested regularly by trained staff.

* Prices include all applicable taxes and fees, and are subject to change without notice. Due to current volatility in the market, please call for the most up-to-date pricing information. Quantity discounts are available starting at 300 gallons.

**Self serve Jet A does not contain an anti-icing inhibitor (FSII)